Transfer Students
Welcome from Student Services
Dear SHS Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the Patriot Family! We know that the transition to Stevenson High School is both exciting and filled with many questions. Please know that members of the Student Services Division are here to help you navigate the high school journey as you explore the many classes, activities, programs, resources and other adventures that await.
The Transitions guide (for new and transfer students) is filled with information about the important events that will take place during your high school experience. The answers to many of your questions may be found in this guide. Please review this guide carefully and mark your calendars with the dates of upcoming events.
For your information, you may always reach Stevenson High School by calling our switchboard at 847-415-4000 between 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any school day. You may also contact departments directly. Many of these phone numbers may be found in this guide and are also located on our website.
Stevenson High School is a special place with countless opportunities inside our classrooms and beyond. We look forward to working with your family in the coming years.
Kind regards,
Sarah Bowen
Director of Student Services
- Calendar of Events
- Welcome Back Webinar - FAQs
- Transfer Student Programs
- Course Enrollment & Registration Information
- Course Placement
- iPads & Technology
- Student Support Teams
- Family To-Do List
- Relevant Links
- Frequently Asked Questions
- International Exchange Students
Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events
Date |
Event |
May 1 | Health forms due for those attending summer school |
Late May | Annual Residency Verifications |
Mid June/July | Registration Fee Payment Deadline |
June 4 - June 27 | Summer School - Semester One |
July 1 - 25 | Summer School - Semester Two |
June & July | Sports PREP Activities |
June - July | Band Summer Rehearsals (Band Directors will send out details) |
Late July | Band Camp (Exact dates TBA) |
August | Curricular Dance Placement/Auditions |
Aug. 8 | Transfer Student Welcome Day |
August (TBD) | Health forms due for the 2024-25 school year |
Aug. 12 | School Begins |
Aug. 13 | Transfer Parent/Guardian Evening |
Aug. 20 | Transfer Student Resource Fair |
NOTE: All dates listed above were accurate as of June 10, 2024. To verify all dates, check the Stevenson website calendar. You may also subscribe to the online newsletter, E-Minuteman, in order to receive news alerts.
Welcome Back Webinar - FAQs
Welcome Back Webinar - Frequently Asked Questions
Freshman Orientation Day
Freshman Orientation Day
What if I can’t come to Freshman Orientation Day?
On the first day of school, your student can report to Room 2104 to receive your iPad and schedule. We recommend that you arrive a little early.
Is a ride required for incoming freshmen on Freshman Orientation Day or is there a bus or any other means of transportation?
We recommend taking a bus, if you indicated the need for bussing transportation to and from school during registration. All bus stops are posted on our website at All freshmen received an email on Monday, Aug. 5 with specific, individualized email on bus stop locations. If you have not indicated a need for bussing transportation, you may be dropped off and picked up from school.
Once I get to school on Friday morning, where do I go?
Please refer to the email sent on Monday, Aug. 5 about Freshman Orientation Day. That email contains specific, individualized information on which room to report to.
What is the schedule for Freshman Orientation Day?
Once students arrive to Freshman Orientation Day, students will report to their Freshman Advisory Rooms where they will meet other freshmen. Yada yada
Can parents go to Freshman Orientation Day, too?
No. It’s really fun, but you will miss out.
My son who is going to be a Freshman this August came to Aptakisic Junior High School in April and all of his classmates have already gotten their Student IDs. When can we expect to get his?
Students who did not go to summer school will receive their ID during Freshman Orientation Day.
Getting Ready for the First Day of School
Getting Ready for the First Day of School
Any tips on getting to school on time?
Ride the bus! If you’re getting dropped off, give yourselves plenty of time. You can enter campus one of two ways: Half Day and Port Clinton. Both traffic flows will lead you to drop your student off Lot D and B. There are no drop offs in Lot E.
What if my child can’t find his classes?
Freshman Mentors will be around the first day of school to help students find their way to class. [insert picture of a kid in FMP shirt]
What school supplies are recommended for freshman year?
There is no official school supplies list. Please purchase whatever supplies you prefer to use in order to engage best in class. The only exception is calculators, TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator is recommended for most SHS math classes.
When will freshmen get their schedules?
Freshmen will receive their schedule during Freshman Orientation Day. If you cannot attend orientation, please report to Room 2104 the first day of regular school attendance to receive your iPad and schedule.
I understand there’s no uniform for gym but do kids bring their own clothes to change into? Or do they just stay in what they are wearing?
There is no gym uniform. We recommend students bring an extra pair of comfortable clothes and shoes for PE class.
Where do we find the exact bus pick-up location? I asked my neighbors and it seems like their kids wait for buses at different spots on Farringdon drive. Will this be the same bus location as for summer school?
We recommend taking a bus, if you indicated the need for bussing transportation to and from school during registration. All bus stops are posted on our website at If you have not indicated a need for bussing transportation, you may be dropped off and picked up from school.
My student has a food allergy. Preordering is mentioned on the website but not a lot of detail. Is there a pre-order guide?
Food allergy information is posted on our website. Students are also encouraged to please ask our food services staff about which foods to avoid based on your student’s allergies.
Do kids get an assigned locker?
During the first two weeks of school, we want students to get settled into their schedules and get familiarized with the building. After two weeks, we will send a survey to all students to request a locker and which hallway is most convenient.
Where do I go or sit for lunch?
We have five lunchrooms throughout Stevenson. FMP leaders will help students find their way to cafeterias. Students can eat lunch and sit wherever they wish. Freshman advisory will ensure each freshman isn’t eating lunch alone.
Is there someplace I can buy school supplies/gear?
Our Patriot School Store is in the Wood Commons, across from the Student Activities Office. The school store has a variety of Stevenson apparel and supplies.
Academic Policies
Academic Policies
How many absences can my student take per semester without punitive action?
Daily attendance is foundational to supporting consistent routines, engaged learning and, ultimately, academic success for students. Student achievement is highly correlated to student attendance.
While we understand many circumstances may lead to non-attendance, we are committed to staying in touch with parents and guardians about their student’s attendance and having conversations about chronic absenteeism, when needed.
I'm not familiar with the curriculum in high school and what the minimum requirements to graduate from high school and get admitted to college are, which courses are mandatory and at what grade how many electives students can select. This is relevant to planning the future and focusing on some core topics of interest to get prepared to college.
All of this information is in our Coursebook. The best person to contact about this information is the counselor.
How do I and who do I talk to if I want to switch one of my classes?
Reach out to your counselor about changing course levels. You will find out who your counselor is on your first day of school.
When will the summer 2025 course list be released?
Course selection, including releasing next year’s coursebook, will begin mid-October with our annual Let’s Talk About Your Future event with families. More information will be shared in September.
For students with IEPs, when will we get communication about their IEP team?
Students with IEPs will learn who their case manager is during Freshman Orientation Day or the first day of school. The case manager is your point of contact for questions about your IEP.
Where do I get my student username and password for school email and Infinite Campus?
All the information is stored in each student’s iPad. If your student attended summer school, they should already have this information. If your student did not attend summer school, they will receive their iPad on the first day of school.
How do I check how much money is in my student’s Patriot Dollars for lunch? Do we need to create a separate account for that?
Parents need to create an account for each student attending Stevenson. From there, funds can be deposited through Patriot Dollars.
Where can I find the systems that I might need to check as a parent?
All of the systems that parents need access to can be found here.
Co-curricular Activities
How shall we navigate sports tryouts for more than one sport per season?
First and foremost, try out for the sport that you are most passionate about. Please be mindful that some sports only allow a certain number of athletes to participate, whereas other sports allow all interested students to participate.
How can I find out more about clubs and sports?
You can find out more about our various athletic programs here and our student activities here. Students can also stop by the Student Activities Office in the Wood Commons anytime to speak to a staff member or browse our library of club cards to learn more. Freshman Mentors will also review many of our co-curricular opportunities during advisory.
How do I bring my kids out of their shell?
We encourage kids to explore if there is a co-curricular activity available that aligns with a class that they particularly liked. Advisories are also a great place to meet new students and build a sense of community.
Are after school clubs monitored by teachers or staff? How does school ensure the safety of kids at after school clubs?
All after-school activities and events are supervised by a member of school staff. Stevenson has many protocols and policies in place to ensure the safety of our students before, during and after school.
How will my kids get home after school if they do an activity?
There are three late busses: each leaves from school at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.
Can I change the Spring sport I registered for during the school year?
What about fall sports?
The first days of practice begin on Monday, Aug. 12. For more information, please visit the Stevenson Athletics website.
Transfer Student Programs
Transfer Student Programs
Welcome Day
For students who enroll over the summer, a special Transfer Student Welcome Day is offered on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024. Transfer students are paired with a Transfer Buddy, a current Stevenson student who has volunteered to escort the transfer student around the school. The Transfer Buddy shows the student where their classrooms are located as well as other important locations, such as Learning Centers, Student Support Team offices and restrooms. Students who enroll after the school year starts will also be assigned a Transfer Buddy to
help with their transition.
Transfer Parent/Guardian Evening
Parents/guardians of transfer students are invited to Transfer Parent/Guardian Evening on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024. Here, they will learn about Stevenson High School, from academics, to co-curricular activities, to available resources. Parents/ guardians will also have the opportunity to ask questions. If a student enrolls after this date, the family can contact the student’s counselor with any questions.
Transfer Student Resource Fair
On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, transfer students are invited to attend the Transfer Student Resource Fair. At this event, transfer students will meet with various groups at the school, including co-curricular coordinators, intramural coordinators and the sponsors of Transfer Students Activity Group (TSAG). TSAG is a social group for transfer students who meet throughout the school year to make connections during field trips such as bowling, whirlyball and other activities. TSAG is free, except for food purchases. All new transfer students are invited to join TSAG.
Transfer Student Groups
Starting on Friday, Aug. 23, 2024, Transfer Student Groups begin meeting during each lunch period. These weekly meetings are vital for transfer students to attend so they can learn and ask questions about Stevenson, such as how to drop a class, how to level change or how to fix their iPad.
Invitation to Join PPA
Families new to Stevenson are also invited to join the Patriot Parent Association (PPA). More info is available at
Course Enrollment & Registration Information
Course Enrollment & Registration Information
Following the enrollment process, students and families will be guided through course enrollment and registration.
Course Enrollment Appointment
Transfer students will be placed into core courses based on the student’s previous academic history. Students may be asked to complete a Mathematics exam and/or World Language exam (if applicable) in order to verify placement. After placement into core courses, students transferring into grades 10, 11 and 12 will typically have one or two open periods in which they may take an elective course.
To assist with the course enrollment process, transfer students will have an enrollment appointment with a counselor to help select these courses. Students can view the Stevenson Coursebook online to review their interest prior to the enrollment meeting.
If there are questions about the placement results, please contact the director of the specific academic division.
Registration Instructions
After residency has been verified and enrollment is complete, families will receive instructions to complete the registration and fee payment process. After residency has been verified and enrollment is complete, families will receive instructions to complete the registration and fee payment process. Information will also be provided regarding student IDs, iPads, books and transportation/bussing.
Course Placement
Course Placement
Placement Process
Stevenson uses a placement process to make an initial recommendation in Communication Arts, Mathematics, Science and Multilingual Learning courses for new transfer students. Stevenson’s divisions may use a slightly different evidence based process to arrive at their placement recommendations than other schools, so please review the following information for division-specific benchmark details.
Communication Arts
Stevenson’s Communication Arts Division uses the fall or winter MAP reading score to make a recommendation for placement.
Students who are able to provide a standardized reading and/or English test score (from the MAP, AIMS or Iowa tests, for example) do not need additional assessment. Contact Kim Musolf at to submit these scores.
For students who cannot provide a standardized reading and/or English test score, recommendations/placement in Freshman English and literacy courses is determined by a reading assessment of the student’s ability to comprehend and analyze text. Students should expect to read texts, answer questions in argumentative paragraphs and answer online multiple choice questions. This test is also open to students who wish to reassess and change their initial Academic Literacy placement. In order to arrange for this SHS testing, please contact Denise Perkins at or 847-415-4325.
Recommendations for Stevenson’s Science classes are based on MAP scores in math and reading, as well as a review of students’ prior coursework. The Science Division first reviews math MAP scores; based on strong math MAP, some students are given the recommendation/choice of Accelerated Chemistry or Accelerated Biology.
For the other students, the MAP reading score is reviewed to give one of three options. The English recommendation is also considered and then:
- Recommend Accelerated Biology with a choice of Accelerated Chemistry
- Recommend Accelerated Biology with a choice of College Prep Biology
- Recommend College Prep Biology with a choice of Accelerated Biology
For students transferring into Stevenson from outside Consortium 125 schools, the Mathematics course placement will be determined based on a complete transcript from the previous school and curriculum review of the student’s previous course. A full topic-by-topic syllabus of the previous course is requested.
Contact Valerie Tomkiel at or 847-415-4581 for details about the transcript/curriculum review.
A benchmark/placement exam will only be administered when additional data about a student’s mathematical proficiency is needed. Please be aware that, while options are available for adjustment in Mathematics course placements, all prerequisite coursework must be completed prior to enrolling in subsequent courses.
Multilingual Learning
Placement in Multilingual Learning courses is determined by student performance on a language-specific assessment. Students who have prior coursework or experience in Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Spanish or Latin, and are interested in potential placement in one of these language programs beyond the introductory level, may sign up for the corresponding language benchmark exam.
- Chinese, French, German and Spanish: Students will complete the listening, reading and writing portions of the AAPPL exam.
- Hebrew: Students will complete the listening, reading and writing portions of the STAMP exam.
- Latin: Email to discuss assessment.
Email or 847-415-4700 with any questions regarding benchmark testing for Multilingual Learning.
iPads & Technology
iPads & Technology
How Students Receive Their SHS iPad
Each transfer student will receive an iPad which they keep until their time at Stevenson is finished. Students should expect to use these to access textbooks, class assignments and communicate with their teachers. Students new to Stevenson who will be attending summer school will receive their SHS iPad on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Students who only attend the second summer school session, will receive their SHS iPad on Monday, July 1, 2024.
For transfer students attending summer school:
Stevenson iPads will be distributed on Transfer Student Welcome Day on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024.
For students not attending summer school:
School-issued iPads will be distributed on Transfer Student Welcome Day on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024 during the breakfast portion of the day.
For frequently asked questions about SHS-provided iPads, click here.
Student Access to Technology
Stevenson students are given access to several different technology programs. Every student is provided with a network account, an email account, Canvas account, IRC account and an Infinite Campus account. Login information (account names and passwords) should be kept private at all times. Additionally, all students will have the Student Guidebook downloaded onto their iPads.
Students with questions or needing assistance with an Stevenson- issued iPad should visit the technicians at the SMARTdesk. The SMARTdesk is located in the Link Lab (Room 3014). During summer school, the SMARTdesk is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Special hours will be posted. During the school year, it is open on regular school days from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. On late arrival days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special hours will be posted.
During the school year, computers are available for student use in the Information Learning Center (ILC, Room 2300), in the Lower IRC (Room 1300) or in the East Learning Center (Room 7026). Students may use the desktop computers during study hall by asking a classroom teacher for a pass to one of the Learning Centers from the study hall.
The use of a Stevenson High School computer is intended to serve instructional purposes only, playing games is not permitted. In exchange for the privilege of using the district’s computers, computer network and internet access, students must consent to staff members monitoring such use.
In order to use the internet, a summer school student must have a signed Acceptable Use Guideline form (regarding access and use of the District Information Services systems) on file. For the school year, students will agree to acceptable use during the registration process. Inappropriate use of the district’s computers, computer network and/or internet access may be considered gross disobedience or misconduct.
Need Help?
For help with technology services for students, visit the SMARTdesk page in the student’s Canvas portal. Or visit the online SMARTdesk webpage:
Student Support Teams
Student Support Teams
Every student at Stevenson High School is assigned to a Student Support Team (SST). Each SST consists of a counselor, dean, social worker and school psychologist. The purpose of the team is to monitor student progress and connect students with resources, programs and opportunities to realize their goals. Teams meet on a weekly basis to coordinate efforts to support all students. See the SST contact list in the Transitions guide (for new and transfer students).
Student Services Instagram: @shs_studentservices
Student Guidebook
All students will have the Student Guidebook downloaded onto their school-issued iPads. This guidebook will support the transition to Stevenson by familiarizing students with school procedures and providing an opportunity to establish goals, manage time, enter assignments, establish priorities and record personal and social information. Students may also purchase a paper version in the School Store.
Family To-Do List
Family To-Do List
Parents/guardians will need to complete and upload the following required school enrollment documents. All completed documents must be in digital form to upload during the online enrollment process.
Student Information
Student’s birth certificate (translated in English)
- Health/medication information, immunizations, doctor and hospital choice
- 504/IEP documentation
- Parenting agreement for students whose parents/guardians live in separate households
Sender School Records
- Unofficial transcript
- ISBE (withdrawal) form, if transferring from an Illinois public school
- MAP (or other standardized test scores), if the student is a freshman
Affirmation of Legal Residency
- One of the following:
- Current and valid lease agreement (including name and phone number of landlord)
- Real estate tax bill
- Monthly mortgage statement (If the home was recently purchased, Stevenson will accept a closing document, bill of sale or warranty deed)
- Two of the following:
- Utility bill (Must include the entire first page of the bill including the coupon portion. Utilities accepted include gas, electric, water, trash collection or cable). New families will be asked to provide utility bills within 30 days of occupancy.
- Vehicle registration (current year)
- One of the following:
Health Forms
All required health forms must be returned to the Health Office by Aug. 11 before a student begins classes at Adlai E. Stevenson High School. If a student is attending summer school, the health forms must be returned by May 1.
Health Forms Submission
Please email, fax or mail (email is preferred) the required health forms:
- Email:
- Fax: 847-955-2445
- Mail: Stevenson High School
Attn: Health Office
One Stevenson Drive
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Relevant Links
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- How are my student’s placements determined in English, mathematics, science and multilingual learning?
- What if I have questions about my student’s placement in English, mathematics, science, multilingual learning, or special education?
- What is a normal class load?
- What is Freshman Advisory?
- Should my student take a full-period study hall or a seventh class?
- Which courses should my student take for college?
- What if my student is having difficulties in a class?
- Should my student take summer school courses?
- Are school counselors available over the summer?
- When may a student take Driver Education?
- How do we learn about co-curricular activities?
- Are there late afternoon buses for students involved in sports and student activities?
- How do I contact my student’s counselor?
- How does my student see their school counselor privately?
- What kinds of support services are available at Stevenson High School?
- Are there any iPad restrictions?
- Do all students need to take swimming?
- When is the first day of school for freshmen?
How are my student’s placements determined in English, mathematics, science and multilingual learning?
Placements are determined based on a combination of a student’s performance in eighth grade courses, conversations with the student’s eighth grade teachers and benchmark data.
Options are available for adjustment but parents/guardians and students should discuss this with the student’s current teachers.
What if I have questions about my student’s placement in English, mathematics, science, multilingual learning, or special education?
You should contact the director of the specific academic department:
Douglas Lillydahl
Darshan Jain
Dr. Steve Wood
Special Education
Traci Wallen
World Languages
Justin Fisk
What is a normal class load?
The typical school day consists of eight 47-minute periods. School begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:25 p.m. Freshmen may enroll in up to seven classes (including physical education or dance) but have the option to enroll in a study hall as opposed to a seventh class. Freshmen are assigned to a lunch/Advisory period. Lunch periods are divided into two periods: 27 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for Advisory.
What is Freshman Advisory?
Freshmen are assigned to an Advisory that meets Monday through Thursday for 20 minutes during their lunch period. Advisories are supervised by selected Stevenson teachers and upperclassmen who enjoy working with students in a less structured setting. The goal of Advisory is to make the transition to Stevenson as smooth as possible for all freshmen. School counselors visit advisories regularly to meet with their students. Additionally, deans and social workers visit advisories throughout the year to ensure students get to know other Student Support Team (SST) members.
Should my student take a full-period study hall or a seventh class?
We recommend that all students should consider the following before deciding:
- A study hall provides a structured time and place to work on homework assignments, get extra help in the learning centers or make up missed tests at the testing center.
- For a student involved in co-curricular activities, a study hall provides time for homework completion.
- A seventh class allows students to explore elective courses. Stevenson High School offers elective courses across many divisions. Course descriptions can be found in the Stevenson Coursebook, which is also available on the Stevenson website.
If undecided about what to do, remember that a student may start a semester with a seventh course and has approximately seven weeks in which to drop a course without suffering any penalty. Talk to a school counselor for more information.
Which courses should my student take for college?
All information pertaining to graduation requirements and college admissions can be found in the beginning pages of the Stevenson Coursebook. College admissions requirements vary from school to school. Some schools require fine arts, applied arts and/or world language courses. Any questions can be directed to your student’s school counselor.
What if my student is having difficulties in a class?
If a student is having a problem in a class, all remedies start with the student talking to the teacher. Students are advised to make an appointment to meet a teacher during free time or a study hall period to discuss the difficulties. Students are also encouraged to meet with their school counselors. Counselors will share resources and supports available and assist students in developing plans to address their concerns.
Should my student take summer school courses?
Summer school is not required, but taking a summer school course allows a student to become familiar with Stevenson’s academic policies and procedures and get to know other students. It may also allow a student to create space in their schedule during the school year for an elective course or study hall.
Are school counselors available over the summer?
Yes, students can email any course-related questions or request an appointment with a school counselor by emailing or calling 847-415-4080 over the summer break.
When may a student take Driver Education?
Enrollment in driver education is based on age. Cutoff dates are printed in the Stevenson Coursebook. This course is normally taken during one semester of sophomore or junior year as students are ineligible to take the course during freshman year. The student must have a social security number, an instruction permit issued by the Secretary of State’s office through the Driver Education Department, parent/guardian consent, verification of age and have earned at least eight credits in the previous two semesters. Passing the classroom phase of Driver Education is required for graduation.
How do we learn about co-curricular activities?
Each student will receive a Co-Curricular Activities catalog in Freshman Advisory. Students are also invited to attend the Co-Curricular Fair on March 22 to discover all that Stevenson offers. In addition, club and sport meeting times are announced through the student announcements webpage on the Stevenson website and through the Stevenson Network News (SNN) morning announcements. For more information, visit:
Are there late afternoon buses for students involved in sports and student activities?
How do I contact my student’s counselor?
Parents/guardians can always contact a school counselor by email or phone. One option available to freshman families is arranging a SCoPE meeting. Student Counselor Parent/Guardian Engagement (SCoPE) meetings will consist of a 30-minute meeting with the student, parent/guardian and counselor during which families will have the opportunity to share more information about their student’s strengths, interests, goals and concerns. In addition, counselors will provide information about their role in helping students and families to navigate the high school experience as well as make the most of programs and resources offered to support students.
How does my student see their school counselor privately?
What kinds of support services are available at Stevenson High School?
Students experiencing difficulties at Stevenson are referred to the individual’s Student Support Team (SST), consisting of school counselor, a school psychologist, a dean and a social worker. Appropriate intervention strategies to promote student success are recommended at weekly SST meetings. More information can be found on the Student Services webpage as well as the Student Learning Program webpage.
Student Services:
Student Learning Programs:
Are there any iPad restrictions?
The Stevenson iPads will be issued with a managed Apple ID. This will automatically disable these features: iMessage, FaceTime, purchasing through the app store, iTunes store, Book Store, HomeKit connected device and Apple Pay. Parents/guardians are encouraged to handle and view the Stevenson iPad and set any family household rules about iPads. The iPad is still property of the school until the student graduates.
Students should not expect privacy on the Stevenson iPad. It is a tool for school, not a personal device. Parents/guardians are welcome to set additional restrictions on school-issued iPads using the options provided within the operating system. In iPadOS 16, there are many features for restrictions. For details about Apple’s iPadOS restrictions, please visit this webpage:
Use of any third-party apps for restrictions of the Stevenson iPad will conflict with the district management of the iPad and therefore will not function. Parents/guardians may request to have the district add restrictions and manage them. Inquiries for district management of restrictions can be emailed to Nancy Hudson, SMARTdesk Manager at
Do all students need to take swimming?
When is the first day of school for freshmen?
International Exchange Students
International Exchange Students
International exchange students who wish to attend Stevenson High School must:
- Contact a study abroad organization accredited by the Council on Standards for International Education Travel (CSEIT).
- Submit an application to Stevenson via the organization no later than May 15 for the following school year.
- Submit a transcript translated to English and ELTiS scores in the 4 or 5 range, along with the application.
- Attend Stevenson High School for the entire academic school year.
- Reside with a family within the boundaries of Stevenson District 125 that has a student attending SHS concurrently.
Stevenson will work directly with the study abroad organization to plan the foreign exchange experience. Stevenson is able to accept up to four exchange students for each school year.