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Transfer Students

Students at Senior Commitment Day Breakfast

Welcome from Student Services

Dear SHS Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the Patriot Family! We know that the transition to Stevenson High School is both exciting and filled with many questions. Please know that members of the Student Services Division are here to help you navigate the high school journey as you explore the many classes, activities, programs, resources and other adventures that await.

The Transitions guide (for new and transfer students) is filled with information about the important events that will take place during your high school experience. The answers to many of your questions may be found in this guide. Please review this guide carefully and mark your calendars with the dates of upcoming events.

For your information, you may always reach Stevenson High School by calling our switchboard at 847-415-4000 between 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any school day. You may also contact departments directly. Many of these phone numbers may be found in this guide and are also located on our website.

Stevenson High School is a special place with countless opportunities inside our classrooms and beyond. We look forward to working with your family in the coming years.

Kind regards,
Sarah Bowen
Director of Student Services