Strings Board
Strings Board is a student government body for orchestra and guitar members. Members organize and plan community events, chamber music performances, assist the feeder school programs, freshman orientation, the 8th grade Summer Strings Camp and more. The Board promotes spirit by designing and creating orchestra t-shirts and decorating for Homecoming.
Prepare program notes for all performances, create videos and written material on the Strings Program, help inform the community about the Strings Program at SHS, connect with the community through performances, perform at school sponsored events and more.
Skill in playing the guitar, violin, viola, cello, or bass and an interest in developing orchestra and guitar outreach and social activities. Open to freshmen through seniors enrolled in a Stevenson orchestra and guitar classes.
Application required. Contact the sponsor for more information and to learn about meeting times/location, or visit Student Activities with questions.
Maximum 40 students
Enrique Vilaseco