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Athletics Events

Student athlete running with the football down field
Student golfer swinging at the golf ball
Student wrestler taking down her opponent
Student athlete throwing a bowling ball
Student gymnast performing
Student athlete spiking the volleyball
Student athlete taking down the opponent on the wrestling mat
Student athlete diving into the pool during a relay
Student athlete throwing a bowling ball
Student athlete blocking a basketball pass
Student athlete throwing a bowling ball down the lane
Student athlete returning the tennis ball
Student athlete shooting the basketball
Student athlete diving into the pool
Student athlete swinging her club at a golf ball
Student athlete swimming down the pool
Student spirit athletes performing
Student athlete blocking the opponent on the football field
Student athlete running cross country
Student athlete shooting the basketball
Student cheerleaders performing
Student athlete passing the field hockey ball
Student athlete dribbling a soccer ball down field
Student athletes running cross country
Student athlete throwing a bowling ball
Student athlete throwing a water polo ball
Student athlete running cross country
Student athlete throwing a discus

The Stevenson High School Athletics program consists of more than 35 sports teams, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedicated student athletes, coaches, staff members and supporters. Through their commitment and sacrifice, this year-round program has brought pride and distinction to our school community.