The Stevenson High School Band Program is comprised of multiple ensembles built around the four levels of curricular concert bands:
- Freshman Band
- Symphonic Band
- Wind Symphony
- Wind Ensemble
Band members may extend their musical activities through participation in Marching Band, Pep Band, Jazz Bands, Small Ensembles, Orchestra, the Pit Orchestra for the annual musical, the Solo & Ensemble Festival, Private Lessons and Community Ensembles.
About the Band Program
About Band
Band Directors
Caitlin McGovern
Director of Bands | 847-415-4774
Mark Hiebert
Associate Director of Bands | 847-415-4765
Madeline Vogler
Assistant Director of Bands | 847-415-4762
Band Quick Links
All Band members and parents should subscribe to the SHS Band Email List.
To subscribe, please send an email to:
Write “Subscribe” in the subject line, and write “subscribe” in the email.
All Marching Band members and parents should subscribe to the SHS Marching Band Email List.
To subscribe, please send an email to:
Write “Subscribe” in the subject line, and write “subscribe” in the email.
Follow the instructions on the subscription page; a confirmation of your subscription will be sent automatically.
Band Parents
Band Parents
For information on our parents group, please visit the Band Parents page.
All choral members perform in four major concerts during the school year. In addition to these school performances, choral students participate in special field trips and community performance opportunities throughout the year. The main emphasis for the choirs is the study and preparation of quality choral music.
The Stevenson High School choral program is comprised of three choirs:
- Stevenson Chorus
- Advanced Choir
- Patriot Singers
The Stevenson choral program extends their musical activities being active with several co-curricular vocal ensembles including Polyphonics, Low Frequency and Nothing But Treble.
About the Choir Program
About Choir
Choir Directors
Roland Hatcher
Kirstin Snelten
Quick Links
- Choral Guild (Parent Booster organization -- all choir families are welcome to join)
- Private Voice Lessons
The Stevenson guitar program offers:
- Guitar 1: A comprehensive course covering chords, reading music, and guitar technique, while exploring several genres such as rock, blues, and classical. This class performs in two concerts every year. No experience or audition necessary.
- Guitar 2: This course is designed to teach more advanced chords, higher levels of guitar technique, solo music, and large group ensemble performances. It includes playing duets, advanced blues, and soloing, while preparing for three concerts a year. Guitar 1 is a prerequisite for this class, or an audition is required.
- Patriot Guitar Ensemble: This course covers college-level techniques, advanced solo and ensemble music, and performance etiquette. The class performs in four concerts a year and occasionally travels for performances. An audition is required for this class.
About the Guitar Program
About Guitar
Michael Tseitlin
Fine Arts Music Teacher | 847-415-4759
The guitar classes at Stevenson offer a place for everyone, regardless of your current skill level or interest. If you'd like to set up a meeting with Mr. Tseitlin to learn more or to determine which class is best for you, please don't hesitate to reach out
Parent Links
- Rising 9-12th graders are able to submit their Guitar 2 auditions via Google Drive by April 4, 2025
- Rising 10-12 grades are eligible to audition for Patriot Guitar Ensemble by looking through the packet below and submitting their audition via Google Drive by April 4, 2025
Within the audition packet of materials, there are requirements including a technique section (chords and scales), etudes, prepped classical material and a free submission of your choosing (read the description on page 2 of the packet for more information).
If you audition for Patriot Guitar and do not make it in, you are still considered for Guitar 2 and Guitar 1. If you audition for Guitar 2 and do not make it in, you will still be able to register for Guitar 1.
Please reach to Mr. Tseitlin at with questions.
Auditions will be virtual and submission of your five videos will be due by 11:59 p.m. on April 4, 2025. Submit videos via Google Drive with Mr. Tseitlin at
Each submission will receive an email with feedback.
Audition Packets
The Stevenson High School orchestra program is comprised of four orchestras:
- Stevenson Orchestra
- Concert Orchestra
- Symphonic Orchestra
- Patriot Orchestra
All orchestra members perform in four major concerts during the school year. The main emphasis for the orchestra program is the development of total musicianship through the study, preparation and performance of quality literature and an authentic understanding of the language of music through a sequential curriculum of music theory topics.
About the Orchestra Program
About Orchestra
The Stevenson Orchestra course is our entry-level class, suitable for young string players who want to continue their technical development. The Concert Orchestra class is more advanced and requires director approval for entry. Symphonic and Patriot Orchestra are by audition only and require higher technical and performance expectations for admittance. These top ensembles have regular collaborations with members of the Band department for full orchestra experiences.
All ensembles play in regular concerts throughout the school year, and have opportunities for chamber music, service, travel, private lessons, and co-curricular clubs like the "Baroque Ensemble", "Viol Consort", "Pit Orchestra" and "Student Strings Board". In addition, special outreach, cultural and social activities are developed to enhance the ensemble experience and enrich the orchestra members. The orchestras receive parental support throughout the year from the voluntary String Parents Association.
Orchestra Directors
Enrique Vilaseco
Director of Orchestra
847- 415-4771
Anthony Krempa
Associate Director of Orchestra
Ben Voigt
Assistant Director of Orchestra
Quick Links
Symphonic & Patriot Orchestra Audition Materials for 2025-26 Placement
These materials represent the required music for the Symphonic & Patriot Orchestra auditions for the Spring of 2025. The results of these placement auditions will help determine our class placements for the Fall of 2025.
Below is a list of the musical excerpts for each instrument, links to each part, required scales, and information about the sight-reading component. Blind auditions will take place during the week of April 7, 2025. Participation in the audition process does not guarantee students a position in either orchestra, regardless of their current class placement. Decisions made by our panel of judges are final. Reach out to Mr. Vilaseco at if you have audition questions!
Instrument Specific Excerpts
- Violin Excerpts:
- Viola Excerpts:
- Cello Excerpts:
- Bass Excerpts:
Please contact Mr. Krempa at if you have any trouble accessing the music.
Scale Requirements
Click here for the sample ILMEA Orchestra Scale Sheets
- C, G, D, A, E, F, and Bb Major
- c and g melodic minor
- Violin-Viola-Cello: Three Octaves
- String Bass: Two Octaves
- Quarter Note = 120
- Detached Bowing
Sight-Reading Requirements
A short sight-reading example will be a part of your audition experience.
Uniform requirements for Stevenson Strings students for the 2021-22 School Year:
Stevenson, Concert, Symphonic Orchestra (both boys and girls)
- All-black ensemble (see Policy Change here)
- Orchestra Polo (purchased once for personal use)
We are pleased to inform you that the Superstore options for the required Orchestra Polo have been updated. If you already own the Orchestra Polo Shirt, there is no need to re-order.
Questions? Please email
Patriot Orchestra ONLY
- Tuxedo Jacket and Pants (rented annually)
- Tuxedo Shirt, Bowtie and Cummerbund (purchased once for personal use)
- Orchestra Polo (purchased once for personal use)
Girls (Violin/Viola)
- Concert Dress (purchased once for personal use)
- Orchestra Polo (purchased once for personal use)
Girls (Cello/Bass)
- Concert Blouse (purchased once for personal use)
- Orchestra Polo (purchased once for personal use)
All Patriot Orchestra students have been sent information via email to submit their measurements/sizes online. You can also complete that information via these links:
- Patriot Orchestra - Boys - new and returning students
- Patriot Orchestra - Girls (violin/viola) - new and returning students
- Patriot Orchestra - Girls (cello/bass) - new and returning students
Tuxedo Pants and Orchestra Dresses come in one length and must be hemmed temporarily for the student. The pants cannot be cut. Download this coupon for hemming services.
Guitar Boys and Girls
- Guitar Polo (purchased once for personal use)
For all polo shirt purchases (Guitar and Orchestra), sizing is on the Superstore.
Additionally, there will be in-person Uniform support by the String Parents Association on the following days:
- Thursday, Aug. 5 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (lobby space outside Band Room)
- Friday, Aug. 6 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (lobby space outside Band Room)
Questions? Email
ILMEA Auditions
ILMEA Auditions
If you are interested in auditioning for the ILMEA District 7 Orchestra this Fall please read below for information, links, and music excerpts.
- Auditions will occur on Tuesday, Oct. 1
- Festival will be Saturday, Nov. 6
Location: TBD
Required Strings Audition Materials
Fall 2021 Audition Material
Senior-level auditions will be blind auditions; click here for a sample script of what to expect.
For Piano Audition Information, please see Wind & Percussion District Audition Process
1 .2021-2022: Beethoven Year
Click Here for the state-required excerpts for Fall 2021 auditions.
2. Senior-Level Scales
Click Here for the Orchestra Scale Sheets
C, G, D, A, E, F, and Bb Major
C and G melodic minor
Violin-Viola-Cello: Three Octaves
String Bass: Two Octaves
Quarter Note = 120
Detached Bowing
3. Sight-reading
Retired sight-reading examples can be found under Audition Resources.
4. District-selected supplemental excerpts.